Friday, May 8, 2020

Medal 3 - Silver Medal

Medal 2 - Activities of Green Medal

The second medal of Environmental Pioneers 

Medal 1 - GREEN BOOK of Environmental Pioneer


Dear followers of the first medal of the Environmental Pioneer Programme,

Your GREEN BOOK should include the following Sections.

The Section

From Where you can get info


1.       The history of CEA

2.       The Slogan and emblem of EPP


Web site - CEA

1.       Environmental pledge and the song

2.       The environmental ethics


Booklet that you had from the class

Lecture notes

1.       The Earth System

2.       The environmental balance

3.       Natural Vegetation of Sri Lanka

4.       Protected areas of Sri Lanka

5.       Snakes of Sri Lanka

6.       Natural resources and energy sources

7.       Sustainable Development Goals



 geography text books

Records about plant growing


About 2 plants you are growing, that valuable and growing for more that 6 months.

If a plant died record it, start to grow a new plant and continue records.


Environmental activities you have taken part


The related activities done in any place such as:

·         Reducing usage of polythene in the school

·         waste management, cleaning, planting trees

·         helping others

·         improving skills

·         raining to become good citizens

Articles about the environmental matters

Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, Books


Poems, Songs or your creations

Mention the source


Environmental quotes, Famous Sayings



·         The Seattle’s speech



·         Be creative and make an attractive book.

·         Paste pictures / photos

·         Paste maps related to the content

·         Annex Real objects (specimens) to show instances.

Eg:  dried leaves, flowers, feathers, soil

·         Cover the book with a cloth/ natural materials.

·         Study the slogan, pledge and the song


Best of Luck!! You are starting a wonderful journey!

Introduction to Environmental Pioneers Programme

Environmental Pioneers -
Central Enviroynmental Authorit







Environmental Pioneer Programme


     Colombo South International College



The Slogan of EPP



Let’s preserve the environment that protects us. 



The Pledge of the Environmental Pioneer




I pledge to dedicate myself with determination to protect our precious 

environment for the betterment of the world;


developing and maintaining relationship essential for the harmonious

existence of the flora and fauna, springs or oceans, the life among them and 

the Earth that bears them;


lighting the lamp of intelligence with the virtues that I protect throughout 

my life holding my anima in the second place.



Environmental Pioneer programme

This is a leadership training programme, introduced and collaborated by the Central Environmental Authority ( in order to fulfill the following goals.


                                 The Goals


1.Enhance the perception about the environment.


Listening, Observation, understand the problems

   –Studying the past methods of environmental conservation


   –Awareness about the inter-relationships between the human and the natural environment



2.Convey the environmental message to the school community.

     –Exhibition / Drama / Art Gallery / conference Campaign / Shramadana

     –Environmental movies

     –Magazines/ New papers / Handouts Instructions or effective gardening

     –Workshops on waste management and power saving

     –Bring the message to the elders through the students


3. Improve the affection and admiration towards the Mother Earth, the people and the environment.


       Investigation on the environmental relationships in the historical and archaeological places.


 –Environmental Camping, Field trips



4.Practice a lifestyle that responsible on the environment


    Environmental sensitivity

    Affection on fauna and flora

    Perform an environmental friendly life wholeheartedly


    Abstain from harmful actions opposed to the environment and make others refrain from them.


5. Understanding the necessity of continues progress of Environmental Pioneers’ responsibilities.


    Lead environmental programmes

    Lead the establishment of environmental conversation groups in the locality


    Formation of networks of organizations

    Conservation of sensitive ecosystems in the locality



6. Building up the relationship among all the subjective fields from village to

 the district level


    Associate the institutes of government, private, non-government and civil organizations.


        •    Improve the effectiveness of environmental programmes 


                        Environmental bond and obligations


 The environmental pioneer is responsible in protecting all the natural resources including atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.


The environmental pioneer should refrain from any action that can harm the environment.


The environmental pioneer knows about;

    the reasons for the environmental degradation, the harmful results and

    the methods to minimize the pollution

    through the process of the environmental conservation.


            The Ethics of the Environmental Pioneer


    Respects the mother land, nationality and the cultural values


     Practice a simple and spare life

     is trustworthy, honest and kind.

    A friend of plants and animals as much as human

    is altruistic and empathetic

    Value the purity of surrounding as well as the spirit (inner-self)


  • Face the obstacles and challenges patiently while protecting the environment.


  Diligence of well-being of others


  Pleasant in any occasion


  Prioritize the conservation of environment


  A pioneer of sustainable development


The Tasks to be completed for the Environmental Pioneer Badge

(The First Medal of EPP)


1. Participating at the lectures about the environment.

2. Growing and maintaining two important plants (as food/ timber/ medicine) and keeping records.

3. Maintaining a notebook for keeping reports about the environmental activities. (follow the document- The Green Book)

4. The ability to recite the environmental pledge and the song.

5. A sound knowledge about the environmental pioneer programme (EPP).

6. An observation report of a selected environment.

7. Take actions to reduce using polythene and plastic in the school.


 The method of gaining marks to complete the EP 1






1. Participating in four complete lectures





3.Answering questions




2. Growing and maintaining two important plants

1. Growing and maintaining 

at least for six months


2. Maintaining records of 

scientific observation of

 growing of plants




3.Note book for environmental activities

1. House level


2. School level


3. Locallevel








4. Environmental pledge and the song

1.Reciting the song accurately


2.Reciting the pledge accurately




5.A sound knowledge about the environmental pioneer programme (EPP)

1. The history of EPP


2. The environmental ethics


3. The slogan of EPP


4. The emblem of Central


Environmental Authority 





6. The observation report

1. The content


2. Images and Figures


3. Creative presentations




7. Minimizing the usage of Polythene

1. In the class room


2. In the actions of 

environmental pioneer

